t h e r i t u a l s p h i l o s o p h y

Grace. Confidence.
Joy. Care. Contentment.
Can all these come from a facial?
My mother told me when I was very young to take care of my skin. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this single sentence has propelled me on a 60 year journey of exploration into what it means to live a full, healthy, loving life.
I am so thankful and blessed that I still wake every morning excited to go to work and work with my community at Rituals on just that – healthy living.
"My hope has been to create a space by which we can communicate and create dialogue with each other around health and well-being."
A facial or spa service can, in many ways, be a conduit to a life well lived. Stay with me, don’t roll your eyes – my dream has always been to encourage my family, friends, myself and clients towards healthy living. My hope has been to create a space by which we can communicate and create dialogue with each other around health and well-being. How do I, in a 60 minute service, create an opportunity towards health? Does this sound hyperbolic or extreme? Maybe, but those who know me know, this is what excites me – what drives me. My approach has always been inside out. Twenty years ago this was not a ‘thing’. Facials and treatments were one thing and the soul and internal health another. Leave health care to the doctors and skin care to the estheticians.
We have all endured a global pandemic. Here in CA, some of us small business owners were forced to close for over 8 months and when we did open, we had limitations on how we could again serve our community of clients. This was a very rough time and unfortunately many of us small business owners did not survive. There were many times that I was not sure whether or not I would be able to offer many of the opportunities towards health I had been pursuing. I am one of the fortunate and I am incredibly grateful and thankful for my faith and my friends, family and clients who continued to support me and my business these past twenty-two years. More than ever, I am driven to continue to rely on my faith and am learning more and more about the importance of inside out living.
"I am incredibly grateful and thankful for my faith and my friends, family and clients who continued to support me and my business these past twenty-two years."
Facials. Spa treatments. Product guidance. Integrated Wellness coaching. Spiritual habits all lead to better living and well-being. We are not always allowed or afforded the opportunities for a long life here on this earth but we can learn how to live each day towards a healthy life with - Grace. Confidence. Joy. Care. Commitment.
I love my family here at Rituals. I hope that from the way we answer the phones to greetings at the desk to check out, you feel part of my family. If not, as family should, please let me know.